Thursday 30 March 2017

Techniques in Dealing with Mental Urges Right After Meth Addiction Treatment

After meth abuse treatment, the possibility of a relapse has been always there. However, relapse doesn’t happen all of a sudden.

Relapse occurs in varying stages before recovering individuals reached the physical relapse or return to their meth addiction. The initial stage is the emotional relapse, where moods, behaviors and emotions are geared to a possible relapse in the future.

When emotional relapse is not addressed immediately after the methamphetamine addiction treatment, the second stage of mental relapse occurs. In this stage, there’s a contradiction happening inside your mind because one side of you want to use meth and the other side is telling you not to.

This stage following meth addiction treatment is a warning signal of a looming relapse. You may be thinking about using meth again in the early phase. However, in its later phase, you are definitely thinking about using all the time.


·         Thinking about using meth
·         Hanging out with drug-using friends
·         Lying
·         Thinking about people, places and things linked to meth use
·         Thinking about the happy days of using meth
·         Fantasizing about meth use
·         Planning and setting up the future use


Right after the meth abuse treatment, it is expected that you’ll be dealing with a lot of cravings and urges that will test your discipline. It is natural for all recovering individuals to experience the same way following meth addiction treatment because it is how the substance affected your system.
It is very important not to blame yourself for this feeling, but to understand how the cravings and urges occur. Whenever it hits you, you need to take a huge step to move forward in recovery. The moment you give in, you’ll likely experience stronger cravings and urges that may put you to downward spiral again, even after a few weeks or months following the treatment for meth abuse.

1. Distract yourself.
When you start thinking about using meth, it is important that you do something to avoid it. Do something to free your mind from this thought. Go out and meet a friend. Watch a movie. Talk to your counselor. When you just sit and leave the thought of using, you are just waiting for that day to happen.

2. Open up.
Inform someone that you are facing the urges to use meth. Open up to someone you fully trust such as a close friend, a family member, a therapist or someone in your meth addiction treatment support group. The more you talk about it, the more likely the urges will melt down.

3. Find time to relax.
It is important to find time to relax. You should do it as part of your routine following the treatment for meth addiction. When you relax, you let go of the tension and stress that are relapse triggers. This way, you are less likely to think about using meth.

4. Wait for at least 30 minutes.
Cravings and urges are at its peak between 15 to 30 minutes. When you wait and let it cool down, it automatically diminishes after 30 minutes. It’s one trick that is taught during the meth addiction treatment that you have to learn practicing to remain sober.

5. Take recovery one day at a time.
Don’t stress yourself by thinking whether you can do recovery or not. If you think like that after you received the cure for meth addiction, you will be finding it hard to do it. Even people who have completed their meth aaddict treatment for so many years will find it difficult. Work on your recovery goals by setting achievable timeline to your sobriety.